Soglasiye posetitelya sayta na obrabotku personal'nykh dannykh Nastoyashchim vyrazhayu svoye soglasiye na avtomatizirovannuyu i neavtomatizirovannuyu obrabotku moikh personal'nykh dannykh, peredannykh mnoyu lichno Operatoru posredstvom zapolneniya form na sayte v telekommunikatsionnoyseti Internet (daleye Sayt), v sootvetstvii so sleduyushchim perechnem: Imya; E-mail; Operator mozhet obrabatyvat' moi personal'nyye dannyye v sleduyushchikh tselyakh: povysheniya moyey osvedomlennosti o produktakh i uslugakh Operatora; zaklyucheniya so mnoy dogovorov i ikh ispolneniya; informirovaniye menya o novostyakh i predlozheniyakh Operatora; identifikatsii menya na Sayte; obespecheniye soblyudeniya zakonov i inykh normativnykh pravovykh aktov v oblasti personal'nykh dannykh. Obrabotka Operatorom moikh personal'nykh dannykh (na bumazhnykh nositelyakh, v informatsionnykh sistemakh personal'nykh dannykh i bez ispol'zovaniya sredstv avtomatizatsii, a takzhe smeshannym sposobom) dolzhna osushchestvlyat'sya v sootvetstvii s trebovaniyami Federal'nogo zakona ot 27.07.2006 g. №152-FZ «O personal'nykh dannykh», Politiki v otnoshenii obrabotki personal'nykh dannykh Operator vprave osushchestvlyat' obrabotku moikh personal'nykh dannykh sleduyushchimi sposobami: sbor, zapis', sistematizatsiya, nakopleniye, khraneniye, utochneniye (obnovleniye, izmeneniye), ispol'zovaniye, peredacha (rasprostraneniye, predostavleniye, dostup), obezlichivaniye, blokirovaniye, unichtozheniye. Nastoyashcheye soglasiye vstupayet v silu s momenta peredachi moikh personal'nykh dannykh Operatoru posredstvom zapolneniya form na Sayte i deystvuyet do dnya otzyva v pis'mennoyforme. Nastoyashcheye soglasiye mozhet byt' otozvano pis'mennym zayavleniyem na — cherez formu obratnoy svyazi
Consent of the site visitor to the processing of personal data
I hereby express my consent to the automated and
manual processing of my personal data transmitted by me
personally to the Operator by filling in forms on the website
Internet telecommunications network (the Site), in accordance with
following list:
The operator can process my personal data for the following purposes:
increasing my awareness of the products and services of the Operator;
the conclusion of contracts with me and their execution;
informing me about the news and offers of the Operator;
identifying me on the Site;
enforcement of laws and other regulatory legal
acts in the field of personal data.
Operator’s processing of my personal data (on paper
media in personal data information systems and without
use of automation, as well as in a mixed way)
be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law
27.07.2006, №152-ФЗ “On Personal Data”, Policies for
personal data processing
The operator has the right to process my personal data.
in the following ways: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation,
storage, clarification (update, change), use, transfer
(distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking,
This consent is effective upon the transfer of my
personal data to the Operator by filling out forms on the Site and
valid until the day of review in writing.
This consent may be withdrawn by writing - through the feedback form